Pool Tip #8: Watering Lawns and Plants with Pool Water

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Water drained from a pool or spa is safe to use for watering lawns or plants, or for any purpose “gray water” uses would be appropriate. It is environmentally correct to recycle water especially when drought restrictions are in effect.

If the pool or spa water has a high chlorine content, uncover it and allow the chlorine to dissipate before using the water for irrigating the landscape. Or, chemically remove the chlorine by adding sodium thiosulfate or sodium sulfite to the water.

By the way, draining pool or spa water down a storm sewer without a permit, may be a violation of local regulations. You can be fined for contributing to the pollution of natural waters or for illicitly discharging chlorinated pool water or highly acidic water into the storm sewer system. Check local regulations with your sewer or pollution control department before disposing of pool or spa water by draining it down the sewer in front of your house.